Dennis R. Verville, Psy.D.
1101 Lake Street, Suite 308, Oak Park, IL 60301
My mission is to provide individuals, couples and families quality assessment and treatment services that promote optimal psychological, interpersonal and physical functioning, adhere to the ethical standards of the American Psychological Association, and rely upon evidence-based strategies.
The assessment and treatment services I provide are based on numerous strongly held beliefs, including:
- We are all a product of our genetics, family upbringing, and extra-familial social experiences.
- Everyone has psychological and interpersonal strengths and weaknesses.
- Everyone is capable of growing psychologically and interpersonally throughout their life span.
- Everyone experiences problems at various points in their life. These problems may be triggered not only by negative life events, such as a divorce or death of a loved one, but also by positive life events such as a marriage, birth of a child, or job promotion. Most often people are able to manage or resolve problems on their own, and/or with the help of family and friends.
- In order to cope most effectively with life's difficulties and to grow psychologically, everyone needs to have someone they experience as trustworthy, nonjudgemental and objective with whom they can share their struggles.
- In absence of these types of people in their lives, individuals who are experiencing difficulties can benefit from seeing an experienced psychologist or other mental health professional
- Seeking mental health services does not mean that one is weak or "crazy" but rather is a sign of psycholgical strength. It is evidence of one's ability to admit to experiencing one or more of life's inherent difficulties and to needing help.
- Anyone who is motivated to improve the quality of their life can benefit from psychotherapy.
- Successful treatment requires that a confidential relationship exists between clients and their mental health provider. It requires that clients be open not only about the problems that brought them to treatment as well as their strengths, but also about the services they are receiving from their therapist. It requires that the therapist be respectful, non-defensive, and knowledgeable about human development and psychological interventions that have been proven by research to be effective.
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